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FluffyDev Blog
Monday, 15 September 2008
Now to programming and animation

As usual, another busy week for me, spent the whole weekend on cinema4d. Got some good news and some bad news, firstly for the good news:


Our class has started learning DirectX which im very happy to look forward to. Not quite sure in specifics what it can do as i only heard in games and such, but nonetheless quite excited :D. Unfortunately, we are coding this in Visual BASIC which i heard its not good or something, but what do i know 



Other good news is that i've decided to make my own game using SDL in C++ - at the moment im not sure if i can even complete it but i feel im quite behind programming so this project will hopefully help me to catch up - after all, i didnt come to this game development course just to learn about graphics (which im loving atm) but rather all that is involved


Now for the bad news:


 I've been studying VRay searching around forums and google on how to use it and etc however i realised it had a deep learning curve and it was quite hard for me to manage in our upcoming major class assignment or rather "contract" and instead of money we get like candy from the librarians or something. This is good cause our graphics teacher told us not to use vray and thinking wisely, he has more experience in the industry than a guy like me who never had a job in his life part from doing dishes and shit

 So yeah, it is quite unfortunate, but speaking truthfully, i just need more study or experience and don't think i will be able to manage it in the remaining time


However that didn't stop me from at least trying - so i tried a camera only moving animation on a little project i did in my last blog post, the japanese room and followed some tutorials is some sites


First, after i tried experimenting with a lot of options and what they do (vray has poor documentation atm so trial and error mostly), i came up with a descent render  that took around 10hours to render in my Quad core 2.4ghz (Q6600):


UPDATE: Just realised the videos were full of crap quality (dam youtube not properly accepting .mov), so i uploaded them here:
Mediafire Link


As you can see, there seems to be a little bit of flickering.


So after playing with the settings for another hour or two, i finally came up with a descent render:


So with this knowledge, I decided to try and apply it to the project our class is doing:
obviously you can see so much flickering, but most things i can fix, and hopefully by thursday i can have the model complete as my number one priority and then render it in vray so I can learn more.
I'll also probably be handing out batch render files to render in built-in c4d engine so other people with juicy quad cores can help out too.

Posted by fluffydev at 10:37 PM EADT
Updated: Wednesday, 17 September 2008 1:56 PM EADT
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